I purchased a 2021 Cougar 36BHL that has some minor repairs needed. One is this kitchen island that looks like someone took a hatchet or knife to the edge. Any suggestions on a DIY repair? Its hard plastic.
Some 2021 Cougar trailers had LG solid surface countertops. Others had "pressed laminate countertops" that had a plastic edge molding that fits in a groove in the countertop base panel. If your "hatchet marks" are in that plastic molding, you may be able to just replace that. Often, "big box stores" have a laminate contractor that does installations for them. Those contractors can usually repair some cosmetic issues for significantly less than a new countertop.
You can start at Trekwood, an RV Parts service in Elkhart. This link ought to take you to the "countertop section for the 2021 Cougar line: https://www.trekwood.com/parts-sear...rtops+(West)&search-keywords=Item+#+/+Keyword At this link you can see the edge molding and get some information on the countertops. Most, however will require your VIN and a phone call to their "live parts person".
Check with Lowe's or Home Depot in your area to see if they have a countertop installer they recommend for minor repairs.