To explain the location, the "about me" information is not available to the general membership, only to the site team. So, no, that page is not visible. The city (as provided at registration) is visible in the left column of every thread (in the computer view) and in the upper right hand "information" about the member in the "mobile view"... There is no visible info on the state available to the general membership. That said, if a member types both the city and the state in the city block when registering or updating their profile, EVERYTHING typed in the "city space" will be visible to the general membership...
OK, now that's out in the open and the OP is facing some pretty demanding weather in the next few days, so back to helping the OP get his trailer warm with hot water.... If anyone has further questions, send me a PM, please don't continue to ask them in this thread. It's important to get the OP warm not answer off topic stuff here... Thanks....