Thanks buy what has this comment to due with a crappy build and support? I am very good at fixing pretty much anything but the issues is that I have these problems on a brand new product and should not have them if there was ANY attention to detail by anyone. That was and is my only point.
We hear you talking! Welcome to the world of RV's.
First you need to understand that my guess is around 30% of the workers at these factories are being replaced constantly because these kids hate their job and would rather be home in their parents basements gaming on their computers or trying to figure out how to be the next tiktok star.
So there is continual training happening in these factories every week.
Our Raptor is the 3rd brand name trailer we have had and they're all "similar" in build quality.
The Keystone has probably been one of the better EXCEPT for the quality of some of the materials they have chosen to do their builds with, IMO.
Sure there are things that I look at and think to myself....WTH were they thinking but that's RV's in general!
We've had issues with every single trailer we have owned.
Have I complained about the Keystone brand? You betcha I have and I feel much better about myself by doing so. :nonono: Lot's of ears and HELP on this board that have navigated me through fixing and explaining some things.
But I will say this about Keystone customer service. They have been one of the best I've dealt with. Called them up because I needed a 24" long piece of interior trim. Less than a week later the UPS driver drops off an 8ft tube from Keystone with an 8ft long piece of trim inside. Never once during the course of our conversation was price or shipping costs talked about.
I was not expecting it for free!
Lippert customer service....some of the best out there.
Onan customer service....some of the best out there.
ASA customer so (from my few short experiences with)
Buy a tool belt and lots of tools. Learn how to use them.
Learn how to navigate youTube (google) and the rest of the internet.
Come back here and complain till you're blue in face :hide: and we'll all chime in and tell you which direction to go. Sometimes you won't like the direction you're being told to go so you'll have to complain about that also.