Keystone Customer Support

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Advanced Member
Oct 27, 2024
Since buying my 2025 Springdale 1750RD I have had nothing but bad customer service from this company. They are not even able to answer basic questions! Shame on you, Keystone. Goes along with the crappy build issues I have had to deal with on my own!!
Are you expecting someone for Keystone to read this?

NOPE just letting others know. Company rates zero in my book for quality control and customer service. I gave them more than one chance to prove me wrong. This is a Keystone (non company site) site is it not? Is my comment OK with you?
It’s okay to vent, but we are already Keystone owners, so I am not sure what your expectation is? I have had multiple RV’s from various manufacturers and they all have issues, but my current and previous Keystone RV’s have been relatively trouble free. Also understand that it is impossible for someone sitting in an office of a separate building to know what any particular unit was built with or how it was built or where the wires were run or where tanks are located, etc. The line workers have way too much leeway in every build, so much so that these are like snowflakes, no two are ever the same. But it isn’t a Keystone thing, EVERY manufacturer is the same.

As odd as it seems, all manufacturers rely on their dealers to be the point person. But dealers also sell multiple brands from multiple manufacturers, so they are no experts on any one particular product. This is where having a trusted and reputable dealer is key. Unfortunately most people go about the RV purchase process backwards; they find what they want and then go to the closest or cheapest dealer, instead of first finding a good dealer and working with them to get you the RV you want/need.

All that is water under the bridge at this point, so lets talk about what’s going on, what are your questions, what do you need help with? The collective knowledge of this forum will boggle your mind and you will learn that no matter what you need, someone here has been there, done that.
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Personally I would be pointing the finger at the dealership where you bought it.

If your calling for information specific to your unit, the people at the customer service center are most likely NOT going to know the answer, and probably referred you back to the selling dealer.

Issues with your trailer should have been addressed by the selling dealer before you ever took possession, that’s what the P.D.I, is for. I know of some dealers that don’t bother with it and them telling you you basically on your own for any warranty work. RV dealers are not like automotive dealers, and as such don’t have to do warranty work.
Eagleguy, where did you buy this ‘lemon’ of which you speak?
You will probably gain more traction with Google reviews than commenting on a site of owners. And don’t keep the name a secret. Inquiring minds want to know.
Call Ford Customer Service in Dearborn, Call GM Customer Service in Detroit, or call RAM Customer Service in Auburn Hills, heck, try calling Toyota Customer Service in Plano Texas and ask them why your radio doesn't work or why your "one touch window" doesn't go down completely.... The answer you'll get won't be how to fix it, or even how to operate it, the answer will be, "Please contact your dealership service department and they will resolve your problems".....

Expecting an administrative phone tree customer service representative to know "everything about every model trailer that Keystone produces now and also remember all there is to know about last year's and last decade's models" is sort of a "stretch to infinity that ain't gonna happen"....

Those girls are experts in directing you to where you can get answers, but they ARE NOT the subject matter expert. If they knew that much, don't you think they'd be the CEO and CFO not the "gal answering the phone" ?????

Realistic expectations: Contact your dealership for the answers. If they don't know, then ask here. Rest assured, NO RV MANUFACTURER has a phone tree staff with all the answers for all the trailers they produce and also all the parts they don't produce that go into those trailers.....

Ask the questions here, you'll get better, more reliable answers that you can count on being correct than you'll get from almost any dealership that sells the trailer you bought. As Justin Wilson used to say, "I garontee"
Call Ford Customer Service in Dearborn, Call GM Customer Service in Detroit, or call RAM Customer Service in Auburn Hills, heck, try calling Toyota Customer Service in Plano Texas and ask them why your radio doesn't work or why your "one touch window" doesn't go down completely.... The answer you'll get won't be how to fix it, or even how to operate it, the answer will be, "Please contact your dealership service department and they will resolve your problems".....

Expecting an administrative phone tree customer service representative to know "everything about every model trailer that Keystone produces now and also remember all there is to know about last year's and last decade's models" is sort of a "stretch to infinity that ain't gonna happen"....

Those girls are experts in directing you to where you can get answers, but they ARE NOT the subject matter expert. If they knew that much, don't you think they'd be the CEO and CFO not the "gal answering the phone" ?????

Realistic expectations: Contact your dealership for the answers. If they don't know, then ask here. Rest assured, NO RV MANUFACTURER has a phone tree staff with all the answers for all the trailers they produce and also all the parts they don't produce that go into those trailers.....

Ask the questions here, you'll get better, more reliable answers that you can count on being correct than you'll get from almost any dealership that sells the trailer you bought. As Justin Wilson used to say, "I garontee"

I will not argue about others opinion. Just stating my personal issues! If you are happy good luck
I will not argue about others opinion. Just stating my personal issues! If you are happy good luck

A synopsis of your issues might be beneficial. What can be said is that the RV ownership model, for any manufacturer, is not that the manufacturer deals with every owner for every issue. The known fact is that for a happy ownership the quality of the dealership is THE #1 factor in satisfaction.

When mentioning bad customer service from "Keystone", the manufacturer, it implies you are trying to bypass your dealer....a very bad and frustrating experience. Many are confused about the RV world and the relationships between the dealer and manufacturer; it is nothing, zero, like an auto. The dealer IS the key.
I will not argue about others opinion. Just stating my personal issues! If you are happy good luck

There's no argument and what I posted is NOT an opinion. It's FACT, pure and simple FACT...

Calling Keystone Customer Service to get repairs done or to get specific information on systems in your trailer, how those systems work and how to adjust/repair them is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN !!!!!

Every Keystone "phone tree resolution" that isn't document related will instruct you to "contact your selling dealership for resolution"...

If you continue to "call Keystone" you'll continue to "get frustrated"....

It's entirely up to you when you stop "knocking your head against a brick wall and start listening to people who have decades of "experience with Keystone"...

Your choice when you "see the light and stop calling Keystone"... When you do is when you'll begin to enjoy your RV and start learning how to maintain it "for your benefit and pleasure"...

Best of luck
There's no argument and what I posted is NOT an opinion. It's FACT, pure and simple FACT...

Calling Keystone Customer Service to get repairs done or to get specific information on systems in your trailer, how those systems work and how to adjust/repair them is NOT GOING TO HAPPEN !!!!!

Every Keystone "phone tree resolution" that isn't document related will instruct you to "contact your selling dealership for resolution"...

If you continue to "call Keystone" you'll continue to "get frustrated"....

It's entirely up to you when you stop "knocking your head against a brick wall and start listening to people who have decades of "experience with Keystone"...

Your choice when you "see the light and stop calling Keystone"... When you do is when you'll begin to enjoy your RV and start learning how to maintain it "for your benefit and pleasure"...

Best of luck

Sorry if I struck a nerve. The overall quality control in producing this particular item leaves too much to be desired and yes the dealer is an issue as they blamed all my issues on Keystone. I could post a list but if you own one you would understand its an overall issue in today's world when we cut cost and sacrifice either the part quality or its install. . Both venues were useless in helping or answering questions regarding issues that I had to fix my self. Not my first unit.
Sorry for your trouble.

Since buying my 2025 Springdale 1750RD I have had nothing but bad customer service from this company. They are not even able to answer basic questions! Shame on you, Keystone. Goes along with the crappy build issues I have had to deal with on my own!!

Eagleguy, I am sorry to hear you feel that way about Keystone, I have looked at your prior posts, and it appears you have had various issues. And I won't apologize for the not helpful comments made on this post by other members, even if I think they were a bit out of line. We should all try to be kind to one another. I do agree with the post that said we all are here to help you through the issues, and this group is pretty good. Way better than the dealer we bought from for sure. With that said though, I have to say that Keystone has been nothing but helpful to my family with issues that we had had. On occasion they will ask if we contacted our dealer, and when we refer them to the complaints we have lodged against the dealer, they are generally most helpful.
With that said, please feel free to grump away. Some of us will even be sympathetic because we too have had quality issues with something in our unit. But I am frequently reminded that we drive through 60 mile an hour winds while suffering a level 3 earthquake, so we decide some things are just going to happen.

Feel free to private message me if you want to grump somemore. Always here to listen.
The RV industry is simply “different”. The majority of workers on the line are fairly itinerant, meaning they change jobs a lot, so every day is on the job training. Another factor is that each day starts with a quota, that as soon as it is met they can go home (or to a second job). So they are incentivized to go fast and mistakes get made. To me, it’s a miracle more of these things don’t fall apart rolling down the road.

Every issue I have had, I either fixed myself outright or had my dealer get the parts for me and I still fixed myself. The dealer loves me because they get me the parts, I fix it and they bill Keystone.

I know that approach isn’t for everyone, but it works for me and life is a lot less stressful. The RV will not be under warranty forever so anything and everything I can learn and understand about it now will help me identify and fix most anything that comes up.

Right now I am dealing with a converter issue. I spoke with the converter people, and I spoke with Keystone. I know EXACTLY what the issue is and how to fix it, but Keystone still wants me to bring it to a dealer and have them troubleshoot it and likely replace the converter, which will have the same issue. The other problem is that the camper is snowed-in until April and then our season starts and I don’t want to be out of service. So I worked directly with the converter company, pulled it out and shipped it to them last week, they are going to update the firmware and make a modification to the unit and send it back next week. The converter company is doing it all for free under warranty.
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Sorry but I feel you want me to be in some sort of happy place with Keystone which in my world does not work and I am NOT woke. The company and support as far as I am concerned has been horrible. Not trying to been negative but more like being factual as to my experience. Glad for you all is good.
well …glad you got it out of your system…now post any issues you have and i’m sure others can help…Many of us have had frustrating experiences with our campers….not just Keystone but all Manufacturers have issues

If you actually want some help i’m sure there are solutions to almost any issue you have as long as your willing to ask for advice
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Thanks buy what has this comment to due with a crappy build and support? I am very good at fixing pretty much anything but the issues is that I have these problems on a brand new product and should not have them if there was ANY attention to detail by anyone. That was and is my only point.
Thanks buy what has this comment to due with a crappy build and support? I am very good at fixing pretty much anything but the issues is that I have these problems on a brand new product and should not have them if there was ANY attention to detail by anyone. That was and is my only point.

I will just point out, as has been said, the "quality" of a given unit varies from day to day, week to week, tech to tech, hour to hour. RVs are a cheap escape for people. Small = small money. Larger = larger money. ALL of it is spent on a minimally designed, minimally constructed box to entice someone with glittering goo gahs. Those folks buy, the goo gahs stop spinning and glistening and real life sets in. All RVs, unless spending over 200k (towable - and even then it's questionable) are held together with a wing and prayer. The....THE only hope of satisfaction right out of the box is to know what you are looking at, inspect whatever it is from top to bottom.....and KNOW your dealer. Expecting top notch quality on a RV that quite honestly should cost 3-4 times what they do for the things people expect isn't realistic. They're a toy; a time killer and something to have fun with....but not something anyone can expect top dollar quality...that's not what they are, what they're for or how they're built. The dealer, again, is the key to a more pleasant owner experience.....and learning what the animal is and how to fix things and be happy about it.
Thanks buy what has this comment to due with a crappy build and support? I am very good at fixing pretty much anything but the issues is that I have these problems on a brand new product and should not have them if there was ANY attention to detail by anyone. That was and is my only point.

We hear you talking! Welcome to the world of RV's.
First you need to understand that my guess is around 30% of the workers at these factories are being replaced constantly because these kids hate their job and would rather be home in their parents basements gaming on their computers or trying to figure out how to be the next tiktok star.
So there is continual training happening in these factories every week.

Our Raptor is the 3rd brand name trailer we have had and they're all "similar" in build quality.
The Keystone has probably been one of the better EXCEPT for the quality of some of the materials they have chosen to do their builds with, IMO.

Sure there are things that I look at and think to myself....WTH were they thinking but that's RV's in general!
We've had issues with every single trailer we have owned.
Have I complained about the Keystone brand? You betcha I have and I feel much better about myself by doing so. :nonono: Lot's of ears and HELP on this board that have navigated me through fixing and explaining some things.

But I will say this about Keystone customer service. They have been one of the best I've dealt with. Called them up because I needed a 24" long piece of interior trim. Less than a week later the UPS driver drops off an 8ft tube from Keystone with an 8ft long piece of trim inside. Never once during the course of our conversation was price or shipping costs talked about.
I was not expecting it for free!
Lippert customer service....some of the best out there.
Onan customer service....some of the best out there.
ASA customer so (from my few short experiences with)

Buy a tool belt and lots of tools. Learn how to use them.
Learn how to navigate youTube (google) and the rest of the internet.
Come back here and complain till you're blue in face :hide: and we'll all chime in and tell you which direction to go. Sometimes you won't like the direction you're being told to go so you'll have to complain about that also.
I've skimmed because this thread is probably predictable....

I have had GREAT customer service from Keystone. There was one repair that the dealer was going nowhere with (unit came with the sink plumbed to the black tank) I called Customer Care myself and discussed it with a nice rep and she was able to get the repair (plumb sink into shower drain) approved and the dealership made the repairs ( almost, the plumbing reroute started to leak the first time I used it and I had to return to get it resolved).

Personally though, I am done with both of them from this point on.
Sorry but I feel you want me to be in some sort of happy place with Keystone which in my world does not work and I am NOT woke. The company and support as far as I am concerned has been horrible. Not trying to been negative but more like being factual as to my experience. Glad for you all is good.

I think the point people are trying to make is that the problem you are describing is in no way specific to Keystone. It's industry-wide and era-wide.

25 years ago, I had a tight, trouble-free RV and superior service from my manufacturer. That manufacturer is dead now, or I would have bought from them again. Today, the emphasis is on quantity, not quality.

There are a few (two or three) manufacturers whose main emphasis is on quality. But their offerings tend to be tiny, with bare-bones amenities, unsuited to tall but creaky seniors (and a large dog). So while we wait for these firms to broaden their product lines to livable sizes, we have lowered our expectations and resigned ourselves to maintaining the fixer-uppers on wheels that are available today.
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