Hi, my control panel has the white screen of death. I’ve tried all the tricks to get it to reboot. Is there a way to open the hydraulic slides , I got the electric bed slide open.
Thanks in advance we’re in the middle of an Rv trip
You are correct. Commonly referred to as the "brain".I would check your trailer manual. Mine shows how to manually activate the relays that In Command actuates to make things happen. For mine, the relays are on the main wiring panel in the pass-through storage compartment.
I checked my “brain”and it’s spelled out pretty well on the board how to operate things when In Command isn’t working. There’s a rotary switch to select the various relays and a switch to engage whichever relay you’ve selected. And there’s a guide to which relay does what.
If you have hydraulic slides the switches on the BCM will not operate those slides, only electric slides
I have electric slides so I’m at the end of being able to prove examples, but I will just add that I think there must be a similar way to engage the hydraulic actuators for the slides if In Command is down. In Command surely triggers relays somewhere on the way to powering up the hydraulic pumps. Even a rocker switch on a wall panel does that (which could also fail).
I am saying “must be a way” but I probably mean “hopefully there’s a way” because it would be a spectacular oversight if you couldn’t switch on the pumps without In Command, even if they haven’t laid it out neatly on a circuit board.
But this goes on my list of things to look into if I consider a rig with hydraulics. So thanks. ��