Maybe we were naive thinking we could camp in our travel trailer in Texas summer heat. Our 2012 272bhs with a single 15,000 BTU a/c just isn't cooling in this 100 degree temp. It keeps the interior (with the single slide out) at around 88 degrees during the day (air temp exiting the a/c is 68 degrees). It got it down to 82 with the slide in. Now, I'll agree that 88 feels a heck of a lot better than 102, but I'd rather have that trailer down into the 70's. It appears to be the trailer itself since the a/c unit is working exceptionally well. We temp gunned the walls and the walls range anywhere from 80-90 degrees on the interior depending on if it was in the shade and if it was a wall on the slide itself. We had hoped that our trailer would truly be 4 seasons, but guess here in TX it's only going to be 2.5 seasons. Thinking about trying to flip this and get a trailer with a dual a/c. I'm looking for thoughts from other campers who travel in this stupidly hot weather and have either single or dual a/c units. Thanks.
We just returned from our first camping trip in our new-to-us 2010 Alpine (40 ft). We were in Kentucky and Nashville and thought we were going to die from heat. Then we figured out that we had to keep the Fantastic Fan OFF when the A/C was ON and things became much pleasanter. Who knew?