Hey everyone! Long time lurker(I use the search button a lot) here from Fort Lee, VA, figured it was time I spoke up. We bought our Mountaineer 344RET new when I was stationed in Anchorage Alaska. Used it primarily for fishing during the salmon run down on the kenai and couldn't be more happier with the FW. Moved to Fort Lee in 2011, didn't drive the ALCAN since it was February but decided to have it shipped to WA instead.
Overall the trip went off with out a hitch. We went from WA to AL, AL to AZ, AZ to VA. The only problems we encountered were the somewhat common landing gear fuze issue and the fact that someone shot a staple through a water line while taking care of some warranty work. Both got fixed and we were on our way.
Well, fast forward 27 months later and I got orders back to AK. Really excited to say the least. We are taking the long trip through Canada with some stops at a couple brewery's and Mount Rushmore.
Fifth Wheel is in great shape considering the lack of use. Still having problems with the landing gear but I think we will get it all sorted out. If not, I know where to ask.
I would like to thank all of you for the vast amounts of information that you have made available. This forum has answered so many questions and educated me greatly. I look forward to learning more.
Sorry for the long rant