Originally Posted by Scconstr
The Slide hitches are a serious pain in the A$$. I have the 6'4" Ram bed with Cummins deiseal 2500 pulling a 2022 Avalanche. This is my third owned rig with multiple rentals that we tried over the years. If you have a slide hitch you have to be with in 3 degrees of straight and level before the hitch will engage. My 5th wheel will fit in my driveway, but that leaves my truck in the road at a different cant. I fight that hitch every stinking time. I hate it! Let alone when the RV shop forgets to put the capture plate back on. I'm on my second capture plate because the shop damaged the first one, and now I'm waiting on a new tailgate and Tanoue cover because they forgot to reinstall it. I will never go with a sliding 5th wheel hitch again!
I have the 6.4 Ram bed. I have the B&W Companion slider manual slider there is no capture plate needed with the hitch. I have never needed to slide it to get in/out of a campground but is nice to know it is there if needed.
I do slide it back to back the camper into my storage building at home as I need to turn sharp to back around my garage to the building. it is easy to slide whjen needed.