Thread: furnace problem
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Old 12-06-2019, 08:23 AM   #15
+Ruff Rider
Gone Traveling
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: United States
Posts: 171
Here is the thing!!! If you run out of gas then you may still have gas in the bottle so you can still cook but the furnace won't work. I have had this happen a couple times.
What i do is go to the full bottle of gas and open the valve then go to the switch bottle valve and switch to the full bottle. Then I close the empty bottle. If you dont do it this way you will run out of gas and the furnace will do this for a while till you get it to light. If you didn't do this than you need to light the stove and let it burn for a few minuets then the furnace should light. Light the water heater and if it lights than you may have enough gas pressure to light the furnace. Don't try to light the water heater while trying to light the furnace. If the water heater lights than turn it off and light the furnace. If this doesn't work than it may be something more serious.
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