Thread: Electric Trucks
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Old 12-03-2019, 07:26 AM   #5
+Ruff Rider
Gone Traveling
Join Date: Apr 2015
Location: United States
Posts: 171
Here is another thing. Say everyone is forded to drive electric cars and they go to grandmas house for Thanksgiving and its a 3 hour trip each way and 10 cars show up, how many chargers does grandma have? Ops she doesn't have a car or a charger. Sorry Grams we can't show up so you starve. But wait there's more. Here in Ca they shut off the power so there won't be a wild fire and it takes days for them to turn it back on because they have to inspect the lines. Here you sit with a dead battery and stuck . This stuff sounds great on paper but in real life it just doesn't work.
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