View Full Version : Backing up a 5th wheel

09-19-2018, 06:09 AM
Considering trading in the 25 foot Passport for a 32 foot 5th wheel and a new Cummings puller. For those of you who have made the move please give me some insight in regards to pulling a 5th wheel and getting it into the camp site in comparrison to a bumper pull.

09-19-2018, 06:14 AM
The first thing to learn is that a 5th wheel reacts much slower when backing. So pull forward 1.5 times forward then you think you need to before starting to back into a site. Chris

09-19-2018, 06:25 AM
Don't have a 5er now but had 3 over the years and found they are much easier to back up than a bumper pull TT.

09-19-2018, 06:45 AM
Fifth wheels tow a whole lot better than bumper pulls. More stable, less chance of sway. Once you practice backing a couple of times, I found it easier to back than a bumper pull.

Think about your TV purchase BEFORE you buy the trailer. Get more truck than you need because once you see how nice it is you’ll want bigger. BTDT. Wheel base of truck will have some effect on chucking/bounce and short vs standard/long bed will dictate the need for sliding hitch.

IMO DRW is the only way to go when your towing a fifth wheel. So nice to have 6 Toes on the ground in windy conditions and if you get a flat on the rear axle, been there done both.

09-19-2018, 06:54 AM
I have been pulling a 5th wheel since 2005 and absolutely love it. Before the 5th wheel we had a TT and a couple pop-ups. The shorter the unit the faster the turn. Our new 33ft Hideout is the easiest I have ever backed up. Once you figure out where to start your turns it's a breeze.

09-19-2018, 07:35 AM
Look at the tires and place them close to that area pull forward as many times as you like getting the rigwhere you want it to be , go slow and turn the wheel slow try not to over correct do a walk around and have a good ground guide . Most parks don't don't have the room to pull stright and back , it's all the same as I mentioned above take your time . I have found that if I pull in I can back out I don't like that .

09-19-2018, 08:02 AM
Zuley, I traded our 28' trailer for a 34' 5er this year and have found it to be no more difficult to manage than the trailer, it just takes a little practice to figure out the minor difference as to how it reacts and you will find it tows a lot better. I went with a short bed diesel as it is a little easier to wheel it around than the long bed. I had a long bed I had pulled the trailer with and have found the SB to be just fine. There is no need for a dualie unless you really want one or you plan on getting a much heavier 5er.

travelin texans
09-19-2018, 08:03 AM
As mentioned pull forward farther than you think you need, they do react a bit slower. Also try to always back in from the drivers side, much easier to see. And as close to the curb on the drivers side, if backing for that side, or you'll run out of road for the truck as it swings around.
Take your time, go slow & have a good spotter, which means get some hand signals that both of you understand, some times I think my spotter is back there swatting at flies, no clue what she wants me to do.

09-19-2018, 08:09 AM
My secret is to ROLL THE WINDOWS down and have my wife scream at me before I run over anything backing up. She also makes strange arm waving signals that I have not yet been able to interpret but DO roll the windows down if someone is spotting you behind the trailer...

09-19-2018, 08:13 AM
My secret is to ROLL THE WINDOWS down and have my wife scream at me before I run over anything backing up. She also makes strange arm waving signals that I have not yet been able to interpret but DO roll the windows down if someone is spotting you behind the trailer...

My wife and I used this same method but a cheap set of walkie talkies has brought peace to our marriage, lol.

09-19-2018, 08:19 AM
Cell phone for DW and hands free it TV works well. Getting out and looking when in doubt. Chris

09-19-2018, 08:30 AM
Cell phone for DW and hands free it TV works well. Getting out and looking when in doubt. Chris

^^^Same for us. Phone on hands free so I can hear what she is saying and just figure the flailing of the arms sending unintelligible messages is just for amusement:D

09-19-2018, 08:40 AM
We bought our first fifth wheel last year and it's a 38 footer. They back up great but you will have to practice a bit in a large parking lot to get a feel for it. As stated they turn slower but with my slider I can do a 90 deg turn with a standard bed truck and no hitting or issues. Also as stated I like to turn to drivers side so I can see what's going during turn. We also bought the low cost walkie talkies from Costco so now we can yell at each other from farther away. Hhahahaha (Dw hates when I say that to people). Also watch for tail swing when moving.

09-19-2018, 08:45 AM
Cell phone for DW and hands free it TV works well. Getting out and looking when in doubt. Chris

What he said ^^ - Backup camera's can help with alignment and let you know whats directly behind the trailer.

09-19-2018, 08:48 AM
^^^Same for us. Phone on hands free so I can hear what she is saying and just figure the flailing of the arms sending unintelligible messages is just for amusement:D

TRUE where going to try the hands free cell experance . Will the garage door open to get the bike out , I'll still have to make the walk back and say stop me right here .

09-19-2018, 09:20 AM
http://www.keystoneforums.com/forums/ UZHTQgGBolGxMVITEhMSkrLi4uFyszODMsQyozLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0dHyYvKy0tLS0rKy4vLS0rLS0tLS02Kys3Mi8tLS01Ny 0rLSstLS0tLS0rLS0rLS01LSstLf/AABEIAOEA4QMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABwgBBQYCBAP/xABHEAACAQIDAwUKCA0FAAAAAAAAAQIDBAURIQYSMQcTIkFRJj ZhcXN0gZGxsxcyQlJVk6GyFBYkJTVikqLBwtHS0yNDcoLD/8QAGwEBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEAgMFBgf/xAAxEQEAAgECAwcCBQQDAAAAAAAAAQIDBBEhMXEFMjM0QXKxEl ETI2GBwRQikaFi0fH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AJxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAjHajlTdHFpUcIo06sKMnGpUqOXTkm01F Lgk1lva55adpSyara21Yej0fYP4uL68ttpnjER6fbf/p1+xe0scRwh14UnScJuE4N7yU1GMs0+tZSXUWMWT8Su7k6/RTpMv0TO/DeG/NqkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaXa3F6VtgtaVerzc50 6io5aydTceTS8DazfBGvLeK1lc0OmtnzViI3iJjfpurZUrR3ug 2lpm18ZpHLiPu95kvE8p2lNvJztLhHNq0weFS2nUk5c3Wm5urU 3Um1NyeuUVppw0Rfw5Kd2ODyPaWj1Xi5Ji8R6x6R0/wDUgFlxQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACNeVzD07q0uJPN dKnuNZxT1nvZdr4ehFLVV/urb9npuwMu9cmLb9d/9Ibrr/XfjftKj0kur2FtI1dsbGNdvJNTi09d6lF1EvFnDL0mzHG+WsKX aVvo0WS1en+Z2/lYM6jwQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABw/KtH812z7Lj/yn/QqavlXr/Eu92BP5t/b/ADCDLtflkv8Ak/aUp9XrPs7LYPo7ZYc+1TXrpTX8Tbj8Wrn9pcdFl/b5hPJ03hQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADi+VTJYJRc3kl cRzfg5qoVdXyr1/iXb7Bn8+3tn5hBF7Vg7yThJNb2nhRRneXrPqrtxl1Oxt7S/GXDnvxjzc1GW893V6Lj1amylvzK7qetj6tLliOO8brBHUeEAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOQ5Q8LpVqNpO4TlzVxCKg30J Ko0nmuv4q9ZhOKt7R9XotafXZdNW8Y9v7vX7bIc2ntow2jrRjC MUqkeilkl0VnoZWxUieUI/rNRaOOS3+ZdBaWdCtPB4V6a3ZpRnlo2udiuPVxfrIyYaWiN4ZY e0NTjmdrz+/H5TkZKgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABz228ssLpS+bc27/fMq80W5IT2vnntRcNcOcjl6IpC/MrybfBKmVbCnnmo1Xppo1Wjn7EJ5QiOadjFkAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAc5t/3vN9lWk/3jKvNFuSD9ptMdrZ/PXsJvzK8m1wmo+Zsc3pC4nkuzOVNsieUI9U/GLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5vlB716r7JU3++ia80 TyQjtT+mqnjX2pGV+ZXk+qwqZWFF/NrS+6n/Aj0R6rEGLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5zlC70rjwc3 7yJMc0Sg/ax54zNrrjT93EyvzK8nqzn+QxXZVz9cWR6HqsfB5wT7UjFL0AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABzvKC1+KVxvNLPm8s3lm+djo RNorxngzx4r5bfTSN5/RA+PVIyvc9+GsYZ6/KUUn9prvqse/D4l0MfY2qmOMRHW0M2lSCt0+cg+mujvdLg9cuz+pj/VY4jj8SynsXV78Iiekwsjh9aM7GlOlJSjOEHGUXmpJxWuZuiYn jDmWrNLTW0bTD6CWIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADleUyy p1djq/PrPmtycNWspqSjnpx0lJek0amPy5n7Ol2Tea6qsR68JV0qU1no jnxaXs8mKu/J7pQXYiJmWePHX7LTYPQhTwmhC3iowhSpqMVwS3UdasbRD53mt NslpnjO8vsMmsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABoNvV3H3nk n9kkadR4Vl7szzePqrZUWpzYe6yc3qmRLPGtNhTzwug+2lT+4j sV5Q+cZvEt1l9RLWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0O3ned e+Rkas/hyvdm+bx9YVrnxOXD3d3qmJZ41o8EeeDW77aNH3aOvTuw+cajx bdZ+X2mTUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0W3K7j73yFT2G vN4crvZ3msfuhWmfE5cPd3l6pkSzxrQbOSz2etH229D3UTrY+5 HR871UbZ7x/wAp+WxM2gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABpNtu9C+83rfcZ ry9yei32f5rH7o+VZp8Tlw93eeL1TIlnjlZzZGWeyti+21t/dROri7kdIeA1vDU5Pdb5bY2KoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AADTbad6N95tX92zXl7k9FrQ+Zx+6PlWOfE5kPdXnizTZEsscr N7GPuSsfNbf3aOpi7kdHg9d5nJ7p+W5NiqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA0+2Penfea3HupGvL3J6Ss6LzGP3R8qwTepzYe5 vPFmmyJTjlZvYl9yFj5tR+4jp4u5HR4fXeZye6fluzYqAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRtf3q33mtx7qRhl7k9FjR+Yp7o+ VXp8TmQ9xfmzDiJTRZnYOWextj5Cn9iyOli7kPE6/zOTrLfGxUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAana7vVvfNbj3U jDJ3J6LGl8enWPlVub1ObD2t54sweollSVmOT3vKsvIx9rOji7 kPGa/wAzfrLoTYpgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANVtWu5i982uP dSMb92W7TeNTrHyqxN6nNh7W88WYPUSmkrM8nfeTZeRXtZ0MXc h47X+Zv1dEbFQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABq9qe9m982 uPdSMb92W3B4tesfKqs3qc6HsrTxZgxLKkrM8nD7h7LyX8zL+L uQ8jrvMX6ukNioAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1e1L7mb3 zW491Ixt3ZbcHiV6x8qpyZQh6+0sxZEprKzXJu+4ax8l/My/i7kPKa3zF+rpTNVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA+a+v6FCg 54hWpUYLjOrUjTj65MDhtp+UvBZYXc21vec5Vq0K0Ic3SrTpup OEoxXOKO7xa1zyMbd2WzD4lesfKv0nqUYh6u1mYsTDKtk1bF8p 2E2uzlra4hVqwqUobtRq3qThF5t8Yp58UXMfch5jWePbqkHB9p 8Pu/0VeUKz+ZCpHnF44PpL1GxVbcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5X lH2tWF7P89RUJ3FWShb0557sp8ZSaTz3YxTfFdSzWYEHYtynY1 cZqV5zEX8m2hGkv29Zr9ohLk7mrOpX37qc6tR8Z1ZyqTf/aTzAxTi+cWfaY3nast2nrNstYj7/HF6knmVHo5iSKZEprEsVI9L1FrFO9XB11Jrntv68X5ypp8Un40 bFRvsJ20xa2y/AL+4jFfIqT5+Cy6t2pml6MghMXJPyhV8RuK1tjXNK4pwU6U6cX Dnaee7NOLbW9FuL04qXDTUJLJQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArHy qbSyvtsKyzao2Up0KMM/mSyqVPHKUfVGPYByOZCTMA32aPqZjMbxs2Y7zS0WjnDHOvLXI1 Tih0a9o39Y3Z555dQ/Bj7sp7St6V/2KWerNtaxEbQ52bLbJf6rczLsJajLTiSPv2dxyVjj1vd0NXbzT lFfLptbtSHpi5IIW3oVYzoRnT1jOMZRfbFrNe0lD9AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAV82+5JMQpX1e6wZ/hlKpOpUlCK3bmm5ycmtzhUWvVr+qBGDnKNRxqJqUW1JSWUoyTy aafB+AJe1XWWoHirVTXRlkRsbvw165+0J3/AFZ3X88G/wCr9aNRJdOWfgy4A3frKustNQjd+E67fXkgOq2T5OMUxFRnb0e Zt5ZP8JuM4QcXlrGPxp6PRpZeFBC0GEWboYTQoTm6joUaVN1Gt 11HCCi55dWeWeXhJH1gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcztbsLhuJQ zxOhlWyyjcUsoV49nSy6SXZJNAQttNyL4pQuPzMo3tFvouMoUa sV+tGbS9Kb8SA0fwV4/9HT+vtv8gD4K8f8Ao6f11t/kAfBZj/0dP663/vIGPgsx/wCjZ/XW/wDeSNrgPI7jNe53b+nCzprLeqVZwqPL9WEJNyfjaXhI2Ev7J8l uFWDjN0vwq4X+9cJT3X2xp/Fj48m/CSO4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAGQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AB/9k=

When I come home with the trailer, I have my wife standing there but rarely can hear what she's saying, nor can I see her because she doesn't stand where she can see the mirror. I do have a rear view mirror, and before I start backing I get out and place a 4' plastic bollard where I want the spare tire on the bumper to end up. Between the faint sounds, brief glimpses of arms, and the camera I can usually get it parked safely in a minute or two.

http://www.keystoneforums.com/forums/ UZHTQgGBolGxMVITEhMSkrLi4uFyszODMsQyozLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0dHyYvKy0tLS0rKy4vLS0rLS0tLS02Kys3Mi8tLS01Ny 0rLSstLS0tLS0rLS0rLS01LSstLf/AABEIAOEA4QMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABwgBBQYCBAP/xABHEAACAQIDAwUKCA0FAAAAAAAAAQIDBAURIQYSMQcTIkFRJj ZhcXN0gZGxsxcyQlJVk6GyFBYkJTVikqLBwtHS0yNDcoLD/8QAGwEBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEAgMFBgf/xAAxEQEAAgECAwcCBQQDAAAAAAAAAQIDBBEhMXEFMjM0QXKxEl ETI2GBwRQikaFi0fH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AJxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAjHajlTdHFpUcIo06sKMnGpUqOXTkm01F Lgk1lva55adpSyara21Yej0fYP4uL68ttpnjER6fbf/p1+xe0scRwh14UnScJuE4N7yU1GMs0+tZSXUWMWT8Su7k6/RTpMv0TO/DeG/NqkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaXa3F6VtgtaVerzc50 6io5aydTceTS8DazfBGvLeK1lc0OmtnzViI3iJjfpurZUrR3ug 2lpm18ZpHLiPu95kvE8p2lNvJztLhHNq0weFS2nUk5c3Wm5urU 3Um1NyeuUVppw0Rfw5Kd2ODyPaWj1Xi5Ji8R6x6R0/wDUgFlxQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACNeVzD07q0uJPN dKnuNZxT1nvZdr4ehFLVV/urb9npuwMu9cmLb9d/9Ibrr/XfjftKj0kur2FtI1dsbGNdvJNTi09d6lF1EvFnDL0mzHG+WsKX aVvo0WS1en+Z2/lYM6jwQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABw/KtH812z7Lj/yn/QqavlXr/Eu92BP5t/b/ADCDLtflkv8Ak/aUp9XrPs7LYPo7ZYc+1TXrpTX8Tbj8Wrn9pcdFl/b5hPJ03hQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADi+VTJYJRc3kl cRzfg5qoVdXyr1/iXb7Bn8+3tn5hBF7Vg7yThJNb2nhRRneXrPqrtxl1Oxt7S/GXDnvxjzc1GW893V6Lj1amylvzK7qetj6tLliOO8brBHUeEAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOQ5Q8LpVqNpO4TlzVxCKg30J Ko0nmuv4q9ZhOKt7R9XotafXZdNW8Y9v7vX7bIc2ntow2jrRjC MUqkeilkl0VnoZWxUieUI/rNRaOOS3+ZdBaWdCtPB4V6a3ZpRnlo2udiuPVxfrIyYaWiN4ZY e0NTjmdrz+/H5TkZKgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABz228ssLpS+bc27/fMq80W5IT2vnntRcNcOcjl6IpC/MrybfBKmVbCnnmo1Xppo1Wjn7EJ5QiOadjFkAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAc5t/3vN9lWk/3jKvNFuSD9ptMdrZ/PXsJvzK8m1wmo+Zsc3pC4nkuzOVNsieUI9U/GLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5vlB716r7JU3++ia80 TyQjtT+mqnjX2pGV+ZXk+qwqZWFF/NrS+6n/Aj0R6rEGLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5zlC70rjwc3 7yJMc0Sg/ax54zNrrjT93EyvzK8nqzn+QxXZVz9cWR6HqsfB5wT7UjFL0AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABzvKC1+KVxvNLPm8s3lm+djo RNorxngzx4r5bfTSN5/RA+PVIyvc9+GsYZ6/KUUn9prvqse/D4l0MfY2qmOMRHW0M2lSCt0+cg+mujvdLg9cuz+pj/VY4jj8SynsXV78Iiekwsjh9aM7GlOlJSjOEHGUXmpJxWuZuiYn jDmWrNLTW0bTD6CWIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADleUyy p1djq/PrPmtycNWspqSjnpx0lJek0amPy5n7Ol2Tea6qsR68JV0qU1no jnxaXs8mKu/J7pQXYiJmWePHX7LTYPQhTwmhC3iowhSpqMVwS3UdasbRD53mt NslpnjO8vsMmsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABoNvV3H3nk n9kkadR4Vl7szzePqrZUWpzYe6yc3qmRLPGtNhTzwug+2lT+4j sV5Q+cZvEt1l9RLWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0O3ned e+Rkas/hyvdm+bx9YVrnxOXD3d3qmJZ41o8EeeDW77aNH3aOvTuw+cajx bdZ+X2mTUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0W3K7j73yFT2G vN4crvZ3msfuhWmfE5cPd3l6pkSzxrQbOSz2etH229D3UTrY+5 HR871UbZ7x/wAp+WxM2gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABpNtu9C+83rfcZ ry9yei32f5rH7o+VZp8Tlw93eeL1TIlnjlZzZGWeyti+21t/dROri7kdIeA1vDU5Pdb5bY2KoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AADTbad6N95tX92zXl7k9FrQ+Zx+6PlWOfE5kPdXnizTZEsscr N7GPuSsfNbf3aOpi7kdHg9d5nJ7p+W5NiqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA0+2Penfea3HupGvL3J6Ss6LzGP3R8qwTepzYe5 vPFmmyJTjlZvYl9yFj5tR+4jp4u5HR4fXeZye6fluzYqAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRtf3q33mtx7qRhl7k9FjR+Yp7o+ VXp8TmQ9xfmzDiJTRZnYOWextj5Cn9iyOli7kPE6/zOTrLfGxUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAana7vVvfNbj3U jDJ3J6LGl8enWPlVub1ObD2t54sweollSVmOT3vKsvIx9rOji7 kPGa/wAzfrLoTYpgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANVtWu5i982uP dSMb92W7TeNTrHyqxN6nNh7W88WYPUSmkrM8nfeTZeRXtZ0MXc h47X+Zv1dEbFQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABq9qe9m982 uPdSMb92W3B4tesfKqs3qc6HsrTxZgxLKkrM8nD7h7LyX8zL+L uQ8jrvMX6ukNioAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1e1L7mb3 zW491Ixt3ZbcHiV6x8qpyZQh6+0sxZEprKzXJu+4ax8l/My/i7kPKa3zF+rpTNVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA+a+v6FCg 54hWpUYLjOrUjTj65MDhtp+UvBZYXc21vec5Vq0K0Ic3SrTpup OEoxXOKO7xa1zyMbd2WzD4lesfKv0nqUYh6u1mYsTDKtk1bF8p 2E2uzlra4hVqwqUobtRq3qThF5t8Yp58UXMfch5jWePbqkHB9p 8Pu/0VeUKz+ZCpHnF44PpL1GxVbcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5X lH2tWF7P89RUJ3FWShb0557sp8ZSaTz3YxTfFdSzWYEHYtynY1 cZqV5zEX8m2hGkv29Zr9ohLk7mrOpX37qc6tR8Z1ZyqTf/aTzAxTi+cWfaY3nast2nrNstYj7/HF6knmVHo5iSKZEprEsVI9L1FrFO9XB11Jrntv68X5ypp8Un40 bFRvsJ20xa2y/AL+4jFfIqT5+Cy6t2pml6MghMXJPyhV8RuK1tjXNK4pwU6U6cX Dnaee7NOLbW9FuL04qXDTUJLJQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArHy qbSyvtsKyzao2Up0KMM/mSyqVPHKUfVGPYByOZCTMA32aPqZjMbxs2Y7zS0WjnDHOvLXI1 Tih0a9o39Y3Z555dQ/Bj7sp7St6V/2KWerNtaxEbQ52bLbJf6rczLsJajLTiSPv2dxyVjj1vd0NXbzT lFfLptbtSHpi5IIW3oVYzoRnT1jOMZRfbFrNe0lD9AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAV82+5JMQpX1e6wZ/hlKpOpUlCK3bmm5ycmtzhUWvVr+qBGDnKNRxqJqUW1JSWUoyTy aafB+AJe1XWWoHirVTXRlkRsbvw165+0J3/AFZ3X88G/wCr9aNRJdOWfgy4A3frKustNQjd+E67fXkgOq2T5OMUxFRnb0e Zt5ZP8JuM4QcXlrGPxp6PRpZeFBC0GEWboYTQoTm6joUaVN1Gt 11HCCi55dWeWeXhJH1gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcztbsLhuJQ zxOhlWyyjcUsoV49nSy6SXZJNAQttNyL4pQuPzMo3tFvouMoUa sV+tGbS9Kb8SA0fwV4/9HT+vtv8gD4K8f8Ao6f11t/kAfBZj/0dP663/vIGPgsx/wCjZ/XW/wDeSNrgPI7jNe53b+nCzprLeqVZwqPL9WEJNyfjaXhI2Ev7J8l uFWDjN0vwq4X+9cJT3X2xp/Fj48m/CSO4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAGQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AB/9k=

Auggie Waterman
09-19-2018, 10:21 AM
We just traded our 25' TT for a 35' fifth wheel this spring. The difference I have seen is that the FW is much taller and I have to watch out for all these curved trees or ones with branches lower than 13' in most parks. And I definitely agree with those who've said the fiver reacts more slowly, what that means of course is that you have to roll further to get the same amount of turn, which really made it tight for me at the last park we were in.

Also- the fiver definitely "cuts corners" more than a travel trailer, have to get yourself a bit deeper into a turn and turn more sharply at the end of a turn to avoid cars in intersections, etc. But man it rides a lot more nicely, no real sway at all, not even when Speed Racer semi drivers pass me doing 75. Makes a 4 hour drive a lot easier! Good luck and enjoy!

Oh, PS.: Our backing secret is blue tooth in the truck and cellular phones! My wife or son calls me, I take the call, it goes on the stereo speakers and they can hear my asking questions too, it's GREAT. And our code is for them to tell me only two things- 1. If I'm close to hitting something 2. Which way the back of the trailer needs to swing to be straight in the site ("backend needs to go toward driver side or passenger side")

09-19-2018, 11:29 AM
5er is quite easy,, a TT is alot quicker, but you will get it and you'll love the way it tows.

09-19-2018, 11:33 AM
I thought the wives were swatting mosquitoes,, hmmm learn something new everyday

09-19-2018, 12:43 PM
Same experience as others - 25' travel trailer to 33' 5er. I find the 5er easier to back up with my long bed F350.

But it doesn't track the truck like the TT as exemplified during a turn at the gas pumps - now I know why those fat inverted-U pipes that are sunk into the cement are there. To rearrange my steps. And that was driving forward.

I'd be happy if my DW would flail her arms instead of calmly sitting in the passenger seat while I run the 5er steps into a stump. If she's out of the truck I can't tell where she is unless she wanders into view of the backup camera.

Fortunately, the second run of the steps into a solid object straightened them back out :)

Here's the shirt my wife recently bought for me.

09-19-2018, 01:27 PM
I've got a "six pack" of those tee shirts... Worn out most of them, thanks for reminding me I need to reorder a new supply !!!!! :flowers:

09-19-2018, 04:46 PM
Lol love the shirt,, just make wider turns

09-19-2018, 05:17 PM
http://www.keystoneforums.com/forums/ UZHTQgGBolGxMVITEhMSkrLi4uFyszODMsQyozLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0dHyYvKy0tLS0rKy4vLS0rLS0tLS02Kys3Mi8tLS01Ny 0rLSstLS0tLS0rLS0rLS01LSstLf/AABEIAOEA4QMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABwgBBQYCBAP/xABHEAACAQIDAwUKCA0FAAAAAAAAAQIDBAURIQYSMQcTIkFRJj ZhcXN0gZGxsxcyQlJVk6GyFBYkJTVikqLBwtHS0yNDcoLD/8QAGwEBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEAgMFBgf/xAAxEQEAAgECAwcCBQQDAAAAAAAAAQIDBBEhMXEFMjM0QXKxEl ETI2GBwRQikaFi0fH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AJxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAjHajlTdHFpUcIo06sKMnGpUqOXTkm01F Lgk1lva55adpSyara21Yej0fYP4uL68ttpnjER6fbf/p1+xe0scRwh14UnScJuE4N7yU1GMs0+tZSXUWMWT8Su7k6/RTpMv0TO/DeG/NqkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaXa3F6VtgtaVerzc50 6io5aydTceTS8DazfBGvLeK1lc0OmtnzViI3iJjfpurZUrR3ug 2lpm18ZpHLiPu95kvE8p2lNvJztLhHNq0weFS2nUk5c3Wm5urU 3Um1NyeuUVppw0Rfw5Kd2ODyPaWj1Xi5Ji8R6x6R0/wDUgFlxQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACNeVzD07q0uJPN dKnuNZxT1nvZdr4ehFLVV/urb9npuwMu9cmLb9d/9Ibrr/XfjftKj0kur2FtI1dsbGNdvJNTi09d6lF1EvFnDL0mzHG+WsKX aVvo0WS1en+Z2/lYM6jwQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABw/KtH812z7Lj/yn/QqavlXr/Eu92BP5t/b/ADCDLtflkv8Ak/aUp9XrPs7LYPo7ZYc+1TXrpTX8Tbj8Wrn9pcdFl/b5hPJ03hQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADi+VTJYJRc3kl cRzfg5qoVdXyr1/iXb7Bn8+3tn5hBF7Vg7yThJNb2nhRRneXrPqrtxl1Oxt7S/GXDnvxjzc1GW893V6Lj1amylvzK7qetj6tLliOO8brBHUeEAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOQ5Q8LpVqNpO4TlzVxCKg30J Ko0nmuv4q9ZhOKt7R9XotafXZdNW8Y9v7vX7bIc2ntow2jrRjC MUqkeilkl0VnoZWxUieUI/rNRaOOS3+ZdBaWdCtPB4V6a3ZpRnlo2udiuPVxfrIyYaWiN4ZY e0NTjmdrz+/H5TkZKgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABz228ssLpS+bc27/fMq80W5IT2vnntRcNcOcjl6IpC/MrybfBKmVbCnnmo1Xppo1Wjn7EJ5QiOadjFkAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAc5t/3vN9lWk/3jKvNFuSD9ptMdrZ/PXsJvzK8m1wmo+Zsc3pC4nkuzOVNsieUI9U/GLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5vlB716r7JU3++ia80 TyQjtT+mqnjX2pGV+ZXk+qwqZWFF/NrS+6n/Aj0R6rEGLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5zlC70rjwc3 7yJMc0Sg/ax54zNrrjT93EyvzK8nqzn+QxXZVz9cWR6HqsfB5wT7UjFL0AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABzvKC1+KVxvNLPm8s3lm+djo RNorxngzx4r5bfTSN5/RA+PVIyvc9+GsYZ6/KUUn9prvqse/D4l0MfY2qmOMRHW0M2lSCt0+cg+mujvdLg9cuz+pj/VY4jj8SynsXV78Iiekwsjh9aM7GlOlJSjOEHGUXmpJxWuZuiYn jDmWrNLTW0bTD6CWIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADleUyy p1djq/PrPmtycNWspqSjnpx0lJek0amPy5n7Ol2Tea6qsR68JV0qU1no jnxaXs8mKu/J7pQXYiJmWePHX7LTYPQhTwmhC3iowhSpqMVwS3UdasbRD53mt NslpnjO8vsMmsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABoNvV3H3nk n9kkadR4Vl7szzePqrZUWpzYe6yc3qmRLPGtNhTzwug+2lT+4j sV5Q+cZvEt1l9RLWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0O3ned e+Rkas/hyvdm+bx9YVrnxOXD3d3qmJZ41o8EeeDW77aNH3aOvTuw+cajx bdZ+X2mTUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0W3K7j73yFT2G vN4crvZ3msfuhWmfE5cPd3l6pkSzxrQbOSz2etH229D3UTrY+5 HR871UbZ7x/wAp+WxM2gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABpNtu9C+83rfcZ ry9yei32f5rH7o+VZp8Tlw93eeL1TIlnjlZzZGWeyti+21t/dROri7kdIeA1vDU5Pdb5bY2KoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AADTbad6N95tX92zXl7k9FrQ+Zx+6PlWOfE5kPdXnizTZEsscr N7GPuSsfNbf3aOpi7kdHg9d5nJ7p+W5NiqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA0+2Penfea3HupGvL3J6Ss6LzGP3R8qwTepzYe5 vPFmmyJTjlZvYl9yFj5tR+4jp4u5HR4fXeZye6fluzYqAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRtf3q33mtx7qRhl7k9FjR+Yp7o+ VXp8TmQ9xfmzDiJTRZnYOWextj5Cn9iyOli7kPE6/zOTrLfGxUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAana7vVvfNbj3U jDJ3J6LGl8enWPlVub1ObD2t54sweollSVmOT3vKsvIx9rOji7 kPGa/wAzfrLoTYpgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANVtWu5i982uP dSMb92W7TeNTrHyqxN6nNh7W88WYPUSmkrM8nfeTZeRXtZ0MXc h47X+Zv1dEbFQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABq9qe9m982 uPdSMb92W3B4tesfKqs3qc6HsrTxZgxLKkrM8nD7h7LyX8zL+L uQ8jrvMX6ukNioAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1e1L7mb3 zW491Ixt3ZbcHiV6x8qpyZQh6+0sxZEprKzXJu+4ax8l/My/i7kPKa3zF+rpTNVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA+a+v6FCg 54hWpUYLjOrUjTj65MDhtp+UvBZYXc21vec5Vq0K0Ic3SrTpup OEoxXOKO7xa1zyMbd2WzD4lesfKv0nqUYh6u1mYsTDKtk1bF8p 2E2uzlra4hVqwqUobtRq3qThF5t8Yp58UXMfch5jWePbqkHB9p 8Pu/0VeUKz+ZCpHnF44PpL1GxVbcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5X lH2tWF7P89RUJ3FWShb0557sp8ZSaTz3YxTfFdSzWYEHYtynY1 cZqV5zEX8m2hGkv29Zr9ohLk7mrOpX37qc6tR8Z1ZyqTf/aTzAxTi+cWfaY3nast2nrNstYj7/HF6knmVHo5iSKZEprEsVI9L1FrFO9XB11Jrntv68X5ypp8Un40 bFRvsJ20xa2y/AL+4jFfIqT5+Cy6t2pml6MghMXJPyhV8RuK1tjXNK4pwU6U6cX Dnaee7NOLbW9FuL04qXDTUJLJQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArHy qbSyvtsKyzao2Up0KMM/mSyqVPHKUfVGPYByOZCTMA32aPqZjMbxs2Y7zS0WjnDHOvLXI1 Tih0a9o39Y3Z555dQ/Bj7sp7St6V/2KWerNtaxEbQ52bLbJf6rczLsJajLTiSPv2dxyVjj1vd0NXbzT lFfLptbtSHpi5IIW3oVYzoRnT1jOMZRfbFrNe0lD9AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAV82+5JMQpX1e6wZ/hlKpOpUlCK3bmm5ycmtzhUWvVr+qBGDnKNRxqJqUW1JSWUoyTy aafB+AJe1XWWoHirVTXRlkRsbvw165+0J3/AFZ3X88G/wCr9aNRJdOWfgy4A3frKustNQjd+E67fXkgOq2T5OMUxFRnb0e Zt5ZP8JuM4QcXlrGPxp6PRpZeFBC0GEWboYTQoTm6joUaVN1Gt 11HCCi55dWeWeXhJH1gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcztbsLhuJQ zxOhlWyyjcUsoV49nSy6SXZJNAQttNyL4pQuPzMo3tFvouMoUa sV+tGbS9Kb8SA0fwV4/9HT+vtv8gD4K8f8Ao6f11t/kAfBZj/0dP663/vIGPgsx/wCjZ/XW/wDeSNrgPI7jNe53b+nCzprLeqVZwqPL9WEJNyfjaXhI2Ev7J8l uFWDjN0vwq4X+9cJT3X2xp/Fj48m/CSO4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAGQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AB/9k=

When I come home with the trailer, I have my wife standing there but rarely can hear what she's saying, nor can I see her because she doesn't stand where she can see the mirror. I do have a rear view mirror, and before I start backing I get out and place a 4' plastic bollard where I want the spare tire on the bumper to end up. Between the faint sounds, brief glimpses of arms, and the camera I can usually get it parked safely in a minute or two.

http://www.keystoneforums.com/forums/ UZHTQgGBolGxMVITEhMSkrLi4uFyszODMsQyozLisBCgoKDg0O GxAQGy0dHyYvKy0tLS0rKy4vLS0rLS0tLS02Kys3Mi8tLS01Ny 0rLSstLS0tLS0rLS0rLS01LSstLf/AABEIAOEA4QMBEQACEQEDEQH/xAAcAAEAAgMBAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAABwgBBQYCBAP/xABHEAACAQIDAwUKCA0FAAAAAAAAAQIDBAURIQYSMQcTIkFRJj ZhcXN0gZGxsxcyQlJVk6GyFBYkJTVikqLBwtHS0yNDcoLD/8QAGwEBAAIDAQEAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAEEAgMFBgf/xAAxEQEAAgECAwcCBQQDAAAAAAAAAQIDBBEhMXEFMjM0QXKxEl ETI2GBwRQikaFi0fH/2gAMAwEAAhEDEQA/AJxAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAjHajlTdHFpUcIo06sKMnGpUqOXTkm01F Lgk1lva55adpSyara21Yej0fYP4uL68ttpnjER6fbf/p1+xe0scRwh14UnScJuE4N7yU1GMs0+tZSXUWMWT8Su7k6/RTpMv0TO/DeG/NqkAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAaXa3F6VtgtaVerzc50 6io5aydTceTS8DazfBGvLeK1lc0OmtnzViI3iJjfpurZUrR3ug 2lpm18ZpHLiPu95kvE8p2lNvJztLhHNq0weFS2nUk5c3Wm5urU 3Um1NyeuUVppw0Rfw5Kd2ODyPaWj1Xi5Ji8R6x6R0/wDUgFlxQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAACNeVzD07q0uJPN dKnuNZxT1nvZdr4ehFLVV/urb9npuwMu9cmLb9d/9Ibrr/XfjftKj0kur2FtI1dsbGNdvJNTi09d6lF1EvFnDL0mzHG+WsKX aVvo0WS1en+Z2/lYM6jwQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABw/KtH812z7Lj/yn/QqavlXr/Eu92BP5t/b/ADCDLtflkv8Ak/aUp9XrPs7LYPo7ZYc+1TXrpTX8Tbj8Wrn9pcdFl/b5hPJ03hQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADi+VTJYJRc3kl cRzfg5qoVdXyr1/iXb7Bn8+3tn5hBF7Vg7yThJNb2nhRRneXrPqrtxl1Oxt7S/GXDnvxjzc1GW893V6Lj1amylvzK7qetj6tLliOO8brBHUeEAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAOQ5Q8LpVqNpO4TlzVxCKg30J Ko0nmuv4q9ZhOKt7R9XotafXZdNW8Y9v7vX7bIc2ntow2jrRjC MUqkeilkl0VnoZWxUieUI/rNRaOOS3+ZdBaWdCtPB4V6a3ZpRnlo2udiuPVxfrIyYaWiN4ZY e0NTjmdrz+/H5TkZKgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABz228ssLpS+bc27/fMq80W5IT2vnntRcNcOcjl6IpC/MrybfBKmVbCnnmo1Xppo1Wjn7EJ5QiOadjFkAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAc5t/3vN9lWk/3jKvNFuSD9ptMdrZ/PXsJvzK8m1wmo+Zsc3pC4nkuzOVNsieUI9U/GLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5vlB716r7JU3++ia80 TyQjtT+mqnjX2pGV+ZXk+qwqZWFF/NrS+6n/Aj0R6rEGLIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5zlC70rjwc3 7yJMc0Sg/ax54zNrrjT93EyvzK8nqzn+QxXZVz9cWR6HqsfB5wT7UjFL0AA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABzvKC1+KVxvNLPm8s3lm+djo RNorxngzx4r5bfTSN5/RA+PVIyvc9+GsYZ6/KUUn9prvqse/D4l0MfY2qmOMRHW0M2lSCt0+cg+mujvdLg9cuz+pj/VY4jj8SynsXV78Iiekwsjh9aM7GlOlJSjOEHGUXmpJxWuZuiYn jDmWrNLTW0bTD6CWIAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADleUyy p1djq/PrPmtycNWspqSjnpx0lJek0amPy5n7Ol2Tea6qsR68JV0qU1no jnxaXs8mKu/J7pQXYiJmWePHX7LTYPQhTwmhC3iowhSpqMVwS3UdasbRD53mt NslpnjO8vsMmsAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABoNvV3H3nk n9kkadR4Vl7szzePqrZUWpzYe6yc3qmRLPGtNhTzwug+2lT+4j sV5Q+cZvEt1l9RLWAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0O3ned e+Rkas/hyvdm+bx9YVrnxOXD3d3qmJZ41o8EeeDW77aNH3aOvTuw+cajx bdZ+X2mTUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA0W3K7j73yFT2G vN4crvZ3msfuhWmfE5cPd3l6pkSzxrQbOSz2etH229D3UTrY+5 HR871UbZ7x/wAp+WxM2gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABpNtu9C+83rfcZ ry9yei32f5rH7o+VZp8Tlw93eeL1TIlnjlZzZGWeyti+21t/dROri7kdIeA1vDU5Pdb5bY2KoAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AADTbad6N95tX92zXl7k9FrQ+Zx+6PlWOfE5kPdXnizTZEsscr N7GPuSsfNbf3aOpi7kdHg9d5nJ7p+W5NiqAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAA0+2Penfea3HupGvL3J6Ss6LzGP3R8qwTepzYe5 vPFmmyJTjlZvYl9yFj5tR+4jp4u5HR4fXeZye6fluzYqAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANRtf3q33mtx7qRhl7k9FjR+Yp7o+ VXp8TmQ9xfmzDiJTRZnYOWextj5Cn9iyOli7kPE6/zOTrLfGxUAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAana7vVvfNbj3U jDJ3J6LGl8enWPlVub1ObD2t54sweollSVmOT3vKsvIx9rOji7 kPGa/wAzfrLoTYpgAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAANVtWu5i982uP dSMb92W7TeNTrHyqxN6nNh7W88WYPUSmkrM8nfeTZeRXtZ0MXc h47X+Zv1dEbFQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAABq9qe9m982 uPdSMb92W3B4tesfKqs3qc6HsrTxZgxLKkrM8nD7h7LyX8zL+L uQ8jrvMX6ukNioAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA1e1L7mb3 zW491Ixt3ZbcHiV6x8qpyZQh6+0sxZEprKzXJu+4ax8l/My/i7kPKa3zF+rpTNVAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA+a+v6FCg 54hWpUYLjOrUjTj65MDhtp+UvBZYXc21vec5Vq0K0Ic3SrTpup OEoxXOKO7xa1zyMbd2WzD4lesfKv0nqUYh6u1mYsTDKtk1bF8p 2E2uzlra4hVqwqUobtRq3qThF5t8Yp58UXMfch5jWePbqkHB9p 8Pu/0VeUKz+ZCpHnF44PpL1GxVbcAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA5X lH2tWF7P89RUJ3FWShb0557sp8ZSaTz3YxTfFdSzWYEHYtynY1 cZqV5zEX8m2hGkv29Zr9ohLk7mrOpX37qc6tR8Z1ZyqTf/aTzAxTi+cWfaY3nast2nrNstYj7/HF6knmVHo5iSKZEprEsVI9L1FrFO9XB11Jrntv68X5ypp8Un40 bFRvsJ20xa2y/AL+4jFfIqT5+Cy6t2pml6MghMXJPyhV8RuK1tjXNK4pwU6U6cX Dnaee7NOLbW9FuL04qXDTUJLJQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAArHy qbSyvtsKyzao2Up0KMM/mSyqVPHKUfVGPYByOZCTMA32aPqZjMbxs2Y7zS0WjnDHOvLXI1 Tih0a9o39Y3Z555dQ/Bj7sp7St6V/2KWerNtaxEbQ52bLbJf6rczLsJajLTiSPv2dxyVjj1vd0NXbzT lFfLptbtSHpi5IIW3oVYzoRnT1jOMZRfbFrNe0lD9AAAAAAAAA AAAAAAAAAAAAV82+5JMQpX1e6wZ/hlKpOpUlCK3bmm5ycmtzhUWvVr+qBGDnKNRxqJqUW1JSWUoyTy aafB+AJe1XWWoHirVTXRlkRsbvw165+0J3/AFZ3X88G/wCr9aNRJdOWfgy4A3frKustNQjd+E67fXkgOq2T5OMUxFRnb0e Zt5ZP8JuM4QcXlrGPxp6PRpZeFBC0GEWboYTQoTm6joUaVN1Gt 11HCCi55dWeWeXhJH1gAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAcztbsLhuJQ zxOhlWyyjcUsoV49nSy6SXZJNAQttNyL4pQuPzMo3tFvouMoUa sV+tGbS9Kb8SA0fwV4/9HT+vtv8gD4K8f8Ao6f11t/kAfBZj/0dP663/vIGPgsx/wCjZ/XW/wDeSNrgPI7jNe53b+nCzprLeqVZwqPL9WEJNyfjaXhI2Ev7J8l uFWDjN0vwq4X+9cJT3X2xp/Fj48m/CSO4AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAADAGQAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA AB/9k=
Are we sure you are talking about your DW and not mine?:lol:

Old Mustanger
09-19-2018, 07:32 PM
As others have noted the 5r will react slower when backing, especially when trying to correct over turning. Compared to a bumper pull you will learn to start to straighten the truck earlier in the turn to prevent over turning. I switched from bumper pull to 5rs over 3 years ago and I still have to remind myself of this feature.
As far as the overall towing experience IMO you will find it much more pleasurable and not as tiring.

09-19-2018, 07:55 PM
Your total length of truck + 32' 5th will be nearly identical to truck + 25' TT. As others have said the 5th is slower to react but still pretty similar. I found the learning curve to be quick and easy.

I'm always fascinated by the "team" backing approach. I have to say I do enjoy watching wives and husbands scream at each other while backing in :) The funny thing is in watching commercial truck drivers put their trucks at loading bays I have never seen one of their wives standing outside getting yelled at. I suppose just keep going with whatever works for you. I don't always have my wife with me and would hate to need a crutch to back my trailer up without hitting something. I'm a one man show. Just take your time and get out and reassess often when backing to your blind side if needed.

BTW.... OP, it's a Cummins, not a CumminGs :) Great trucks though :)

Have fun with the 5th. It's a great change. They tow a lot better and the backing thing is a very minor difference in the grand scheme.

09-20-2018, 04:03 AM
just practice practice practice.

have a great person helping you back it up....NEVER do it alone!

09-20-2018, 04:18 AM
I know that this isn't a 5th wheel, but I think this is about the best video I've ever seen on how to back a trailer... https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=p1B5d_K2__4

09-20-2018, 06:39 AM
I've got it down to as science with my wife. She takes the kids for a walk and i back in the trailer. I get out and look 10 times, but it's better than the way it was with pointless instructions...

travelin texans
09-20-2018, 07:49 AM
Saw a couple at Myrtle beach, he pulled the 5er up to their site, he got out from behind the wheel & his wife, all of 4' tall, got behind the wheel, he stood at the drivers side headlight & pointed right/left, neither ever spoke, she never looked in the mirrors, only at him & they nailed it 1st shot, these sites were 90 degree backins from a very narrow street, I was totally impressed. Asked the DW if we could do that, "oh hell no" was the response.

09-20-2018, 08:54 AM
Considering trading in the 25 foot Passport for a 32 foot 5th wheel and a new Cummings puller. For those of you who have made the move please give me some insight in regards to pulling a 5th wheel and getting it into the camp site in comparrison to a bumper pull.
Go to YouTube and search "How to back a fifth wheel trailer" and view a posting by 'LOVE YOUR RV.COM for an eight minute video. I would also suggest subscribing to their web site to see a lot of maintenance tips etc. Look at their archives for many points of interest.

09-20-2018, 03:18 PM
5th wheels cut the corners way more than a TT will. You have to be careful when maneuvering in tight areas. Always look in your mirrors to see the 5er tires.
When backing up a 5er reacts much more slowly than a TT does. It's much harder to re-correct when backing in a 5er. Because the pin is directly over the rear axle the re-correcting time is slower compared to a TT where the ball is 4+ feet behind the axle.
The stability out on the open road more than makes up for the shortfalls of a 5er.
No dealing with funky WDH setups.

09-27-2018, 07:24 AM
Went from a 28 TT to a 37 5th wheel. Wish I would have started with a 5th wheel. Soooo much easier towing. Other than the mentioned reaction when backing and cornering with 5th wheel it is easier also. Just a few times and you will be used to reacting to the turns quicker.

09-27-2018, 07:32 AM
What works best for us, is using our cell phones. Mine is linked by bluetooth to our truck (2016 GMC Denali DRW). Whomever is doing the backing will call the others cell. That way, we're not screaming so that the other person (and other camper :) ) can hear us.

09-27-2018, 07:42 AM
Ford has a new trailer backup option but you have to buy a new truck to get it. I think it is available for the F150/250 line. Since I can't afford a new truck, I found these guys:


They don't currently have a product that works on a 5th wheel but they are actively working on one and I will be notified when it is ready for the market. It would be nice to not have a crowd standing around laughing and the truck overheating when I spend a half hour trying to back into a slot in a park!

09-27-2018, 07:56 AM
My wife and I use cell phones to talk through backing. Works great in my truck with hands free

09-27-2018, 08:07 AM
For a variety of reasons my tow vehicles have been the long wheel base variety, crew cab and long bed, which makes backing in any trailer more difficult than a shorter wheelbase truck. Also a pain in the you know what just parking in any parking lot without a trailer. Something to consider in your choice of tow vehicle.

09-27-2018, 08:11 AM
Oh so my wife isn't the only one with strange hand / arm signals !!! and mine normally waits till I am just about on top of something before she starts screaming lol !!

James p
09-27-2018, 09:08 AM
Considering trading in the 25 foot Passport for a 32 foot 5th wheel and a new Cummings puller. For those of you who have made the move please give me some insight in regards to pulling a 5th wheel and getting it into the camp site in comparrison to a bumper pull.

You will find trailer responses to steering input in reverse are much less. Backing is harder.

Overall the 5ths road manners are SUPERIOR to a T/T

09-27-2018, 09:54 AM
2x on Thomasbeau re walkie talkies, except I would recommend a good set. No more waving of arms, screaming, etc. Much less stress between partners when backing in.

09-27-2018, 10:58 AM
you and I have the same spotter

09-27-2018, 12:17 PM

Been a while since I backed a bumper pull.. Except with garden tractor.....
Enjoy your fifth wheel!

09-27-2018, 12:59 PM
I figure I'm pretty good at it becausec our neighbors always pull up a chair to watch.

09-27-2018, 03:06 PM
My wife used to flap her arms like she was taking off so I would get out and mimic her directions and ask her what it meant. We would both laugh and then we would do it again and again. I bought two walkie-talkies and now I hear “move the trailer 12.5 inches to the drivers side”. Now I get out and ask who took the radio away from my wife. It’s crazy how she becomes an air traffic controller when I put a radio in her hands. Problem solved!!

travelin texans
09-27-2018, 03:29 PM
We have walkie talkies but changed to the hands free on the phones, someone would NEVER release the talk button, just constant directions, on the w-ts so it became hard to ask other questions.

Irv gates
09-27-2018, 04:35 PM
Considering trading in the 25 foot Passport for a 32 foot 5th wheel and a new Cummings puller. For those of you who have made the move please give me some insight in regards to pulling a 5th wheel and getting it into the camp site in comparrison to a bumper pull.
Zuley, Well, welcome to 5th wheel country. I think you will have a better experience with this new trailer than the old one. Generally, when Iam backing, I try to get the rear wheels ( on the turn side)just a fit forward and fairly close to the turn. Then I can make a hard turn if I have to. If I move too far toward the center of the road, I have a Chance oF running out of Truck room in front. Also ,if you are backing with the help of someone else, Use Driver or passenger side of your truck for calling out turn directions. Dont use Right or Left, You will wonder whose Right or Left that is. Have fun. Irv Gates, 2009 F350DRW, 2014 39' Montana HC.

09-27-2018, 05:29 PM
I finally told DW to stand in the middle of where the back should end up. With the backup camera and mirrors I aim for her. A few back and forward moves gets me aligned. When she's out of view of the camera, I'm there.