View Full Version : Furrion camera displays only when braking

09-06-2018, 12:03 AM
Got a problem with observation/backup camera that's driving me crazy. Just purchased a Bullet 24-footer last winter with a Furrion FOS48TA-BL wireless observation/backup camera. The camera worked great on the way home from the dealer, both in observation mode and when backing up. However, on my first trip out I noticed that the monitor was losing signal and not display when driving down the road. I adjusted the antenna to straight vertical, but now the monitor only displays when I press the brakes. When I release the brakes (to start driving down the road) the monitor goes blank again. I've researched the problem over the internet to no avail any help with my issue would be greatly appreciated.

09-06-2018, 02:25 AM
Do you know how it was wired into the trailer? Most are wired into the running lights and is on when they are. And just to be clear, when you say the monitor goes blank, you are losing the picture or is the monitor turning off? Those would be two different problems.

09-06-2018, 04:29 AM
your trailer plug has a bad connection.

09-06-2018, 02:20 PM
The camera was probably connected to one of the clearance lights (for power) and the monitor just plugs into the DC outlet. No the monitor doesn't turn off it just loses the picture. I think that there's a problem with the wiring I'm going to have the original installer (dealer) check it out. Thanks.

09-06-2018, 05:59 PM
They are wired into the lights, so the running lights need to be turned on. If you have the lights on, it sounds like it’s some how only getting power from the brake lights. Don’t know how that would have happened from one trip to the next.

09-07-2018, 07:08 AM
was your first successful run (where the camera worked) done when the lights were on? (Dusk, dark?)

09-07-2018, 07:46 AM
Removed as I did't read complete OP 's post.

09-07-2018, 08:45 AM
What changed from when it worked until now when it doesn't? Has anyone worked on any wiring? Most of those cameras are electrically connected to the third clearance light on the rear of the trailer. If that's true, then the only way for the camera to be energized by the brake light would be a fault in the wiring. If both of these are true, then when you apply the brakes the clearance lights would come on. To test this interaction I would suggest a simple procedure, place the tow vehicle in park with the lights off. Turn on the 4 way hazards as that will flash the brake light circuit. If the monitor goes on and off with the hazards then there's a serious wiring issue. If it doesn't coincide with that then pull the emergency breakaway pin on the trailer. If the camera works then someone wired it into the break circuit. The above is dependent on the camera being the issue, not the monitor. I don't own that brand but all the monitors that I've seen are like modern LCD televisions. If the signal drops out the screen turns blue and a "no signal" or "signal lost" text will appear on the screen. If the screen goes dark then power is lost to the monitor not the device connected to it.
Hope this helps.

09-07-2018, 08:53 AM
Probably a bad ground connection to the trailer in the 7 pin plug/jack. Spray is with contact cleaner and reseat it a bunch of times. Chris