View Full Version : Plug in Oil Air fresheners..

08-09-2017, 05:53 PM
Packing up stuff after out last trip 2 weeks ago, a plug in air freshener was left on the bathroom counter and slid into the sink ( we guess). Well, today after bringing it home from storage to get it ready for this weekends camping trip with the Grandsons, Well, said air freshener leaked into the sink bowl and melted the plastic on the bottom of the bowl.. :eek:... no way to really fix it cept to replace it.. won't make that mistake again..:facepalm:


08-09-2017, 05:54 PM
Oops! Luckily those sinks are cheap and easy enough to replace.

08-09-2017, 06:08 PM
And don't leave a plastic "jelly worm" on the sink either......

08-09-2017, 06:13 PM
glad to hear they are cheap to replace and the Jelly worms eat the sinks also??:eek: