View Full Version : Water hose

03-06-2017, 05:48 AM
Is there a true difference in what hose you should use when hooking your RV to a water bib? Is an RV type hose better than a regular garden hose?

03-06-2017, 05:56 AM
It depends on how old you are. If you are over 45 and used to drink out of garden hoses as a kid, then any hose will be fine. If you are under 45, you will die if you drink out of a garden hose! But seriously, the special RV water hoses are made out of FDA approved materials that do not release toxic substances such as lead.

03-06-2017, 05:57 AM
"Drinking water safe" hoses are made of certain materials that don't have what are considered dangerous chemicals. That said, I used regular garden hose for years and haven't been told I have any health issues related to said use. Last 6 years I have switched to "safe" hose.

RV hose doesn't have to come from RV parts store, just read the label. Should be available at most any HW store.

03-06-2017, 06:02 AM
Yes...You want to use a hose that is rated for drinking water. A regular garden hose is not and will release toxins into the water that you will be able to taste.

03-06-2017, 06:22 AM
Thanks for your quick replys!

03-06-2017, 07:15 AM
I personally never drink the water from an RV park, I bring my drinking water. Park water is used for showers, cleaning, flushing, etc.. That said, I do use a white hose because I have several of them.