View Full Version : 2005 Keystone 210RR Toyhauler fresh water tank removal?

01-11-2015, 10:49 AM
After a recent 3500 mile Xmas and New Years trip through California Nevada Arizona Utah Idaho....Ive came to the conclusion that my fresh water tank needs to have a tank warmer installed to keep it from freezing. Sustained temperatures below 17 froze the water inlet line to the water pump leaving us with out running water. Simple enough, we just filled 1 gallon jugs to drink, cook, and flush the toilet with... but I want to put in a tank heater and heat tape on the suction line out of the tank.
I would like to hear from anyone that has removed the 100 gal fresh water tank on a 21RR or simular. I looks to be installed in a manner that makes it impossible to remove without some serious cutting and rewelding of structural steel.

Mike Carsner
https://fbcdn-sphotos-f-a.akamaihd.net/hphotos-ak-xap1/v/t1.0-9/10428511_10205675211583580_7435734476215313889_n.j pg?oh=e10452c78b24e01010fdcd64b0b6fbfe&oe=552B6AFC&__gda__=1429216937_6f60521e0faef509b8c4529256f63af 9

01-11-2015, 12:30 PM
Look at the front and rear of the tank, you might see a brace made of angle steel that is screwed into the frame from the inside. One side will probably be rigid and the other side will have the brace screwed in. That is the most common installation, and I would think yours is the same.

01-11-2015, 08:27 PM
I think I got it figured out.....I'll post some pictures later

01-24-2015, 11:06 PM
I didn't have to figure mine out. Made a round trip from Az to Ind and when I got home the front mounting had failed and the tank was almost on the axle. Being a fabricator I replaced the fact steel structure with heavier gauge steel. Normally a Z plate of light gauge bent plate on either end with angle running lengthwise. Like posted above remove the bent plate that is screwed into the frame.

Not sure about the newer units but the 122 gal in my 04 is more like a flexible bladder. With the 1.5" drain in the middle. Can you imagine crawling under there and opening a 1.5" dump valve then trying to get out? LOL That was rearranged also. Despite all this I do like the trailer.

Good luck getting yours out.