View Full Version : DVD player to all TVs

06-30-2013, 07:09 PM
Does anybody have an idea on how to have the DVD player play to all of the TV's?

06-30-2013, 07:52 PM
There is no coax connector on the DVD player. The DVD player is connected to the TV with a 3 wire RCA phono plug connection. With these limitations, there isn't any way to connect the coax to additional TV's to the DVD player. If you install an aftermarket DVD player with a coax output, you should be able to connect that coax output to the RV coax lines and distribute the signal to all TV's in the coach.

07-06-2013, 09:13 AM
Buy one of these and using a spliter feed the tv and hook output to coach cable outlet. To be clear I'm saying to plug it into where the tv normally gets tv ant.

That should distribute it to the others.

If that doesn't work you'll need to hook the output into the inlet line on the outside of the coach.

You might also look behind the outlet with the ant booster is since that is normally where the main splitter for all tv's is. You could tie in there.

Google search for: RF Modulator RCA -> COAX Converter (http://www.google.com/#sclient=tablet-gws&tbm=shop&q=RF+MODULATOR+RCA+TO+COAX+&oq=RF+MODULATOR+RCA+TO+COAX+&gs_l=tablet-gws.12...6323.6323.0.8556. 1.0....0...1c.2.19.tablet-gws-psy.xmZfWz6QUhQ&pbx=1&num=18&bav=on.2,or.r_cp.&fp=4394a19687b351e1&biw=768&bih=928)

Jim Dow
07-06-2013, 05:34 PM
I replaced the original single coax connector below my tv in the living room with a dual coax connection and added dual HDMI connectors in the same plate - see picture.

One HDMI connector/cable (HDMI1) goes to my main tv/living room. The second HDMI connector/cable goes to the second HDMI port (HDMI2) on the tv/living room from my blueray DVD pleyer.

The main satellite/cable coax provides input to my satellite receiver. The second coax connector is to take either the output from the satellite receiver or from the blueray DVD player to the bedroom - and from there to the tv coax in the basement storage area.