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Old 08-02-2018, 05:04 PM   #15
fjr vfr
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Join Date: May 2018
Location: Mechanicsville
Posts: 478
It doesn't sound like you need to re-coat your roof or anything major. You need to inspect it and touch up any seems that look like they need it. It's like caulking around your house windows except you're using a different type of caulking.
You then need to clean it. Several RV technicians have told me they use Simple Green added to a bucket of water. I did this with our last trailer and it worked well. What ever you use needs to be a mild detergent.

The rubber roof is like an inner tube for a tire except one side is white to reflect uv light and heat.
Like someone said earlier, if you are seeing areas of black showing through the roof it either needs replacing or re-sealing with a roof coating product like Dicor sells.
But first thing is the inspection. Till you do that you don't know what you need. If you even need to do anything?

Also if there is an rv store not far talk to them. I find the parts person usually can set you in the right direction.
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